Over 200 Ossian family members enjoyed the Back-to-School picnic! Thanks PTO for the yummy hotdogs and a great opportunity to have fun together!

Reminder: Ossian Elementary PTO is hosting their Back-to-School picnic tonight 5:30-7:30. Free dinner and dessert food trucks (for purchase), plus fun family time!

Thanks for your patience in the car rider line this morning! Please have book bags on and students ready to go when you pull up to the sidewalk! If we all work together it will continue to go more smoothly!

Our staff is second to none!

We ❤️our Riley kids!

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will be at Norwell High School for ALL Student Registration (K-12) on Monday, July 31st 12:00 - 7:00

Kindergarten Enrollment Open Now! Select "Enrollment" in the top right corner of our web page https://www.nwcs.k12.in.us

Bear Crawl Adventures!!!

3rd Grade Petting Zoo

3rd Grade Petting Zoo

3rd Grade Petting Zoo

5th Grade Black Pine

5th Grade Black Pine

A great school wide celebration, sidewalk chalk!

4th Grade Field Trip JA Biz Town

4th Grade JA- Biz Town

4th Grade JA- Biz Town

4th Grade JA- Biz Town

4th Grade JA-Biz Town

4th Grade JA- Biz Town