Winter Break is finally here! Students will return to school for the second semester January 6, 2025! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We appreciate the collaboration and cooperation of our bus drivers. Thank you for your commitment to Norwell and for getting our students to school. We are glad you are with us. Merry Christmas!

Spontaneous t-shirt created by and worn by OES/LES 5th grade teachers today for their collaboration meeting this morning. "One Grade, One Goal, Norwell 5th Grade." LOVE IT!

Appreciate the good work by our building admin and instructional staff today. Finalizing plans to increase supports for students and raise their achievement. Great collaboration and preK-12 focus.

This Tuesday (8/13/2024) from 4:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. we are inviting community members to walk through Ossian Elementary School to view the school's recent renovations. Come celebrate this great new learning environment with us. School board meeting following the open house.

For Norwell students designated for bus transportation, the assigned bus number and driver's contact information will be sent by the end of the work day on Monday, August 5th.

NWCS Registration is July 29th @ NHS from noon - 7pm. All must park at NHS and enter Door 45. **Elementary Schools will be located in the Auxiliary Gym **If you have not done so already, please confirm registration of your child online. If you need help, Technology will be available in the MAIN GYM. **If you have questions about On My Way PreK and if you are eligible for FREE PreK, plan to stop by and visit this information booth as Sarah Anderson from On My Way will be able to help you out!

Thank you, Mr. Platt, for inviting me to talk with your sociology class this morning. Great group! I hope some students, parents, and community members can join us tonight for our last strategic planning meeting for this school year. Room H200 at NHS @ 5:30PM.

Hiring! Cafeteria Squad Members @ NHS! Contact Raina @ 260-622-4125 x1004 or apply online @ https://www.applitrack.com/nwcs/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Food+Service

Online Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year is OPEN! To enroll, visit https://www.nwcs.k12.in.us/ and select Enrollment in the top right. Students must be 5 by August 1 to enroll in Kindergarten.

Nice story from Fox55 highlighting Norwell's new Precision Machining class in coordination with our Area 18 Career and Technical Education Cooperative.

Surf's Up Breakfast Week--March 4 - March 8
Check out our planned events and treats!

Asynchronized eLearning Day - Bear Care and Bobcat Care will also be closed.

Love seeing our LES and OES teachers engaged in a deep dive into the five IDOE-approved ELA curricular adoption options. Our elementary admin team has organized a very detailed review process, and our teachers are working diligently through the process. Great work!

Our Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students were selected by K-105 to recite the Pledge of Allegiance that will be broadcast on K-105 at 8 am during the months of February and March. All the kids thought this was so cool that they will be a "star" on the radio!

Indiana’s eLearning law is House Bill 1093, which was passed in 2022. The law limits the number of eLearning days school districts can have in which less than half the day includes live instruction from teachers. Under this law, districts are only allowed to have three (3) asynchronous (simply posting assignments, etc.) eLearning days. School districts may have as many synchronous (live instruction) eLearning days as they want, and all will count toward the 180-day student instruction requirement. However, any asynchronous eLearning days (beyond the 3 allowable days) will not count toward the 180-day student instruction requirement. If a school needs to implement more than three (3) asynchronous eLearning days per school year, they are able to apply for a waiver, but it is only supposed to be approved for extraordinary circumstances. In 2022, Norwell Community Schools, in collaboration with building administration and teachers, made the collective decision that ALL eLearning days would be synchronous with live instruction from teachers. It was decided that asynchronous learning (posting assignments, etc.) would only be used in rare circumstances including for teachers who may have had a planned personal leave day or who are too ill to lead live instruction that day.

Unfortunately, there have been no positive developments with the dense fog forecast. Norwell Community Schools will move to eLearning for 1.25.24. Bear Care and Bobcat care will remain open through normal times.

Good participation at last night's strategic planning session. We returned to the small table discussion format which produces better feedback. Groups identified new strengths and affirmed the great accomplishments of the past two years.

Norwell Community Schools will be on-site for in-person learning following today's 2-hour delay. Continue to allow additional time as you travel to school and work. 1.23.24

Due to hazardous road conditions for some of our county roads, Norwell Community Schools will start on a 2-hour delay schedule for Tuesday, 1.23.24. Bear Care and Bobcat Care will be available on regular schedules.