K Henslee

Senior Katelyn Henslee has been selected to receive the Norwell High School Internship Spotlight award. She has been doing her experience in the Norwell Middle School with teachers Carey Smith and Jill Jones. Katelyn is the daughter of Brad and Leigh Henslee.

With Mrs. Smith [8th grade history] and Mrs. Jones [8th grade science], Katelyn has been a huge help working one on one with the students. She has also done a great deal of observation with the two teachers as they show classroom management skills and behavioral management styles. Katelyn has assisted with attendance, running errands, and grading. Another interesting part for Katelyn has been the preparation of lessons plans and teaching various lessons in the classroom.

Upon graduation, Katelyn will attend Ball State University to study social studies education for grades 6-12. Her focus will be on middle school aged students.